April 2024 Homeward Bound Newsletter
“HOME” WARD BOUND Impactful Real Estate News April 2024Kellar LawrenceYour Home Sold Guaranteed Realty Give Me 30 Seconds and We’ll Make A Family Wish Come True Together… Welcome to the month of April. By the time you are reading this, you will be deep into it. That means I can’t play any April Fool jokes…
Ways To Use Your Tax Refund If You Want To Buy a Home
Have you been saving up to buy a home this year? If so, you know there are a number of expenses involved – from your down payment to closing costs. But did you also know your tax refund can help you pay for some of these expenses? As Credit Karma explains: “If one of your goals is to stop renting…
The Top 5 Reasons You Need a Real Estate Agent when Buying a Home
You may have heard headlines in the news lately about agents in the real estate industry and discussions about their commissions. And if you’re following along, it can be pretty confusing. But here’s the thing you really need to know – expert advice from a trusted real estate agent is priceless, now more than ever.…