March 2024 Homeward Bound Newsletter
“HOME” WARD BOUND Impactful Real Estate News March 2024Kellar LawrenceYour Home Sold Guaranteed Realty Who Cares if the Ground Hog got it right, Spring is STILL Coming! I promise. Spring is Springing! Yay! I just came inside from shooting a video outside and WOW! It’s nice out! Yes I realize that when you get this…
Why Access Is So Important When Selling Your House
If you’re gearing up to sell your house this spring, one of the early conversations you’ll have with your agent is about how much access you want to give buyers. And you may not realize just how important it is to make your house easy to tour. Spring is the peak homebuying season, so opening up your…
Why We Aren’t Headed for a Housing Crash
If you’re holding out hope that the housing market is going to crash and bring home prices back down, here’s a look at what the data shows. And spoiler alert: that’s not in the cards. Instead, experts say home prices are going to keep going up. Today’s market is very different than it was before the housing crash in…