Housing is commonly considered to be “affordable” when a family spends less than 30 percent of its income to rent or buy a residence. The shortage of affordable housing limits families’ and individuals’ choices about where they live, often relegating lower-income families to substandard housing in unsafe, overcrowded neighborhoods with higher rates of poverty and fewer resources for health promotion.
The lack of affordable housing affects families’ ability to meet other essential expenses, placing many under tremendous financial strain. High housing-related costs place a particular economic burden on low-income families, forcing trade-offs between food, heating, and other basic needs.
Where we live can promote our health if it is:
▪️ affordable and provides a stable and secure base
▪️ a place where we feel safe and comfortable
▪️ able to provide for all the household’s requirements
▪️ connected to the community, work, and services.
Where we live is at the very core of our daily lives.
A safe, settled home is the cornerstone on which individuals and families build a better quality of life, access services they need, and gain greater independence.’
The last couple of months have reminded us how important it is for every family to have a safe, healthy place to live. We believe that helping a family build a house is a meaningful way to be a disciple of Christ in the time of COVID-19. At Greenwood Area Habitat for Humanity, we seek to build a decent place for every family to live, but having a decent place to live also means having a safe, supportive and healthy community. We are honored to work toward those goals for our community.
Through their Homeownership program, they help partner families achieve strength, stability, and control over their own destinies.
YOUR REFERRALS HELP GREENWOOD FAMILIES! We are on a mission to raise $25,000 for Habitat for Humanity to help them in their quest to provide decent, safe, and affordable places for families to live. To do so, we are donating a portion of our income on every sale to their cause. It’s easy to refer those considering making a move. Simply call me at 864-942-8991 or go to www.KLReferralRewards.com